South Harbour Open International Ideas Competition

Nature, social and commercial sites, docks and historical monuments are present as isolated activities. Trade, transport, technology, tourism and history all have important footprints there. Although the use of most of the activities is from the coastline, the South Harbor is the main image and one of the main public spaces in Helsinki. So our response is a sensitive and sensual space, which simultaneously addresses many interpretations and meanings, which are easily and enthusiastically covered. Sensitive to the interpretation of the needs of multiple groups of users in variable climatic conditions; understand and maintain most of the current activities, and propose new ones; preserve the memory of the place and its people, and understand the sea as an inseparable element of its culture. Sensual in the simultaneous enjoyment of natural elements: the water, the forest, the northern light and its effects, as well as the technical presentation of the port activities. In the continuous flow of people using various transport devices. Preserving most of the existing operations and activities in South Harbor, the project proposes a new, smoother and smoother way to enjoy them.

Project Type:
City of Helsinki. City Planning Department
Helsinki, Finlandia
project management:
Proyectos Arqui5 C.A.
Arq. Silvia Soonets
landscape design:
mmh estudio del paisaje