The garden of ideas competition

This proposal starts from working in a space with a Roman, medieval history, but also with an approach that is in harmony with modernity, with the contemporary. The controlled order of the cloister is broken by turning the plant on its central axis, trying to leave traces of presence of the existing but proposing a new dynamic to the place. It is proposed to separate or isolate the plant from its rigid faces with drainage channels as elements of the landscape. They appear the parterres of stone, key component of the gardens of the time, already turned into a sculptural element that it looks for to emphasize the ways of stone and the four quadrants of the garden. It is a way to reflect the hardness of the stone and its presence throughout the city of Lugo. Their faces give way to long benches that invite to stay and enjoy the silence of the place. The beds of flowers appear inside the openings of the parterre, imitating the formal edges of the perennial species that were used to protect them. Just as the museum presents different events on its itinerary, flowers will have their collection itinerary, giving the opportunity to reflect summer or winter, holidays such as Christmas or Easter or San Froilán.

Project Type:
Vicepresidencia Primera de la Diputación de Lugo
Museo Provincial de Lugo. España.
Arq. María Mercedes Hernández
landscape design:
mmh estudio del paisaje
Arq. Cruz Criollo y Arq. Amanda Alvarez